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Malaysia is ranked 9th in the world for tourist arrivals. The government pushed to increase tourism in Malaysia. Thus, tourism has become Malaysia’s third largest source of foreign exchange income. Malaysia launched a worldwide marketing campaign called “Malaysia, Truly Asia” which was largely successful and brought in over 7.4 million tourists.


E-Visa 18000pkr
Sticker Visa 35000pkr
All Passports
Copy Of CNIC
04 Pictures (35 x 45) With White Back Ground (Non-Glassy Paper)
Bank Statement last 6 month With Closing Balance Not Less Than 300000/- (Per Person)
Account Maintenance Letter
Company Letter Head 3 Copies Color (In Case Of Business)
Copy Of NTN (In Case Of Business)
Job Letter & Last 3 Month Salary Slips (In Case Of Job)
Nika-Nama-English ( In Case Of Family)
B. Form (In Case of Age Less Than 18 Years)
FRC * Family Relationship Certificate ( In Case Of Family)
Processing time: 7 working days Approx.
Visa Validity: 90 Days
Duration of Stay: 30 Days

Tour Guide Cities

Malaysia is a country with diverse cities that offer unique cultural experiences, modern infrastructure, and natural beauty. Here are some of the top cities in Malaysia:

Malacca City

Malacca City, also known as Melaka, is a historic city located in the state of Malacca, Malaysia. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that showcases a blend of Portuguese, Dutch, and British colonial influences, as well as indigenous Malaysian culture. Here is a short description of Malacca City:

  1. Rich History and Heritage: Malacca City has a captivating history that dates back to the 15th century. It was once a bustling trading port and played a vital role in the spice trade route. The city’s historical landmarks, including the A Famosa fortress, St. Paul’s Church, and the Malacca Sultanate Palace Museum, offer a glimpse into its rich heritage.

  2. Well-Preserved Colonial Architecture: Malacca City boasts well-preserved colonial-era architecture that reflects the influence of the Portuguese, Dutch, and British. Visitors can explore the vibrant Jonker Street, lined with charming shophouses that have been converted into boutique shops, cafes, and antique stores.

  3. Cultural Melting Pot: The city’s multicultural heritage is evident in its diverse population and vibrant cultural scene. Visitors can witness the fusion of Chinese, Indian, Malay, and Eurasian cultures, which is reflected in the local cuisine, festivals, and traditions.

  4. Delicious Cuisine: Malacca City is renowned for its delicious food. Visitors can savor a variety of local specialties, such as Nyonya cuisine, which blends Chinese and Malay flavors, as well as savory treats like chicken rice balls and cendol, a popular traditional dessert.

  5. Riverfront Charm: The Malacca River runs through the heart of the city, offering a picturesque backdrop for a leisurely river cruise or a stroll along the riverfront promenade. The area is adorned with colorful buildings, street art, and lively cafes, creating a charming ambiance.

  6. Museums and Galleries: Malacca City is home to several museums and galleries that provide insights into its history and culture. The Baba Nyonya Heritage Museum, Cheng Ho Cultural Museum, and Maritime Museum are among the notable attractions that offer engaging exhibits.

With its historical significance, multicultural heritage, delicious cuisine, and charming riverfront setting, Malacca City offers a unique and enriching experience for visitors to Malaysia.


Kuching is a captivating city located in the state of Sarawak on the island of Borneo, Malaysia. Known for its relaxed atmosphere, rich indigenous cultures, and natural beauty, Kuching offers a unique and enchanting experience. Here is a short description of Kuching:

  1. Cultural Melting Pot: Kuching is a vibrant cultural melting pot, with a blend of Malay, Chinese, and indigenous Dayak cultures. Visitors can explore the colorful streets of Kuching’s Chinatown, visit temples, and experience the warm hospitality of the local communities.

  2. Charming Riverfront and Cityscape: The Sarawak River flows through the heart of Kuching, providing a scenic backdrop for the city. The waterfront promenade is a popular spot for leisurely strolls, offering stunning views of the iconic Astana, a former palace turned official residence, and Fort Margherita, an elegant colonial fortress.

  3. Fascinating History and Architecture: Kuching showcases a rich history influenced by Brooke dynasty rule and British colonialism. The city boasts beautiful colonial-era architecture, such as the Astana and the Old Courthouse, which have been well-preserved and add to its charm. The Sarawak Museum, one of the oldest museums in Southeast Asia, exhibits artifacts that reflect the region’s cultural heritage.

  4. Vibrant Culinary Scene: Kuching is a food lover’s paradise, offering a wide range of culinary delights. Visitors can savor Sarawak’s signature dishes, including Sarawak Laksa, Kolo Mee, and unique indigenous cuisines. The city is also famous for its lively night markets, such as Carpenter Street and Padungan Street, where visitors can sample local street food.

  5. Nature and Wildlife: Kuching serves as a gateway to explore the lush rainforests and incredible biodiversity of Sarawak. Bako National Park, Semenggoh Wildlife Centre, and Matang Wildlife Centre are among the popular attractions where visitors can spot orangutans, proboscis monkeys, and a variety of bird species.

  6. Festivals and Events: Kuching hosts several vibrant festivals and events throughout the year. The Rainforest World Music Festival showcases world music performances, while the Kuching Festival celebrates local food, culture, and entertainment.

With its cultural diversity, natural beauty, delicious cuisine, and warm hospitality, Kuching offers a memorable and enriching experience for travelers seeking a unique adventure in Malaysia.


Ipoh is a charming city located in the state of Perak, Malaysia. Known for its colonial-era architecture, delicious food, and natural beauty, Ipoh offers a delightful experience for visitors. Here is a short description of Ipoh:

  1. Colonial Architecture: Ipoh boasts a wealth of well-preserved colonial-era architecture that reflects its past as a tin mining town. Visitors can admire the grand facades of buildings such as the Ipoh Railway Station, Birch Memorial Clock Tower, and the Old Town Hall. These architectural gems lend a nostalgic charm to the city.

  2. Gastronomic Delights: Ipoh is renowned for its delectable food. The city is famous for dishes such as Ipoh white coffee, which is a local specialty, as well as bean sprout chicken, salted chicken, and dim sum. Visitors can explore the bustling coffee shops and local eateries to indulge in the city’s flavorful culinary offerings.

  3. Cave Temples: Ipoh is home to several beautiful cave temples that are popular attractions. The Sam Poh Tong Temple and Kek Lok Tong Temple showcase stunning natural rock formations and intricate Buddhist shrines. These temples provide a tranquil and spiritual atmosphere for visitors to explore.

  4. Natural Landscapes: Surrounding Ipoh are picturesque limestone hills and pristine landscapes. Visitors can venture to Gunung Lang Recreational Park, where they can enjoy boat rides on the lake and walk along the scenic boardwalk. Nearby, the Kinta Valley and Tambun Hot Springs offer opportunities for relaxation and rejuvenation.

  5. Heritage and Museums: Ipoh offers insights into its history and heritage through museums and heritage trails. The Perak Museum, which is the oldest museum in Malaysia, showcases artifacts and exhibits related to the state’s cultural heritage. The Ipoh Heritage Trail allows visitors to explore the city’s rich history and visit historical sites.

With its colonial charm, mouth-watering cuisine, serene temples, and natural beauty, Ipoh offers a tranquil and nostalgic escape from the bustling city life. It is a destination that captivates visitors with its unique blend of heritage and gastronomic delights.

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